Buy your tickets for our PAWgressive Raffle!

Starting December 9th until December 17th PAWS will be having a PAWGRESSIVE Raffle! On December 19th the winning name will be drawn for this fantastic Holiday raffle!!!!

How does it work you ask? Everyday starting December 9th we will add a wonderful item to the raffle as the days progress until December 17th. The Raffle closes at 3pm on December 19th and that will be your last chance to get tickets! The drawing will be at 6pm December 19th!

So you will have to watch PAWS Facebook page to see what’s new! Tickets are $20 each. One ticket will win you all the items. But you will want to buy more tickets as you see the raffle grow!!

The Raffle starts off with a plush large 60×70 Bengals Throw, Bengals Gloves and Hat!!

Additions include:

  • A bottle of Buffalo Trace to relax during the holidays.
  • A Scented Candle to help eliminate any little pet smells.
  • A lightweight dog harness, dog toy, and gallon of dog shampoo
  • Two cat toys
  • PAWS hoodie to keep warm
  • Lottery tickets to test your luck
  • Starbucks gift cards to keep you caffeinated

**current value is over $200**

You can get your tickets through PayPal! The link to buy tickets is…

Thank you for your donation and supporting, PAWS so we can continue are mission!!

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