Welcome to PAWS!
Curious what PAWS looks like inside? Let our friend Buddy give you a tour. You can also check out Buddy and his adoptable friends under Adopt A Pet on our website.
Curious what PAWS looks like inside? Let our friend Buddy give you a tour. You can also check out Buddy and his adoptable friends under Adopt A Pet on our website.
Tickets on sale at PAWS during open hours, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday from 1-6 or Saturday noon to 5. We have great raffles prizes that will be at the event, and will be joined by some great adoptable PAWS dogs at The Moose from 10:00 to noon the day of the event.
Need to renew your car registration or looking for a new plate? You can now get a PAWS logo license plate from the state of Ohio. For more information about organizational plates and to renew your registration online, check out, https://www.bmv.ohio.gov/vr-sp-geninfo.aspx.
PAWS Annual Yard Sale is being held on Friday, June 9th from 9am-5pm and Saturday, June 10th from 9am-2pm. If you have any donations (no clothes, tv’s or computers, please) and would like to donate to PAWS, please drop off at 6302 Crossings Blvd., Monroe, Ohio on Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday between 1-6 and Saturday
Join us this Saturday at Horsepower Farm for our 3rd Annual Barks, Bourbon & Spirits! Tickets are still on sale at tinyurl.com/PAWSBBS2023. We will have live auctions, raffle baskets, live music, tasty hors d’oeuvres and so much more!
PAWS is honored to be the Clubhouse Sports Grille’s charity for 2023! Raffle tickets for the spring raffle are now on sale at both Clubhouse locations. And keep your eyes peeled for the golf outing coming this summer!
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