Raise A Friendly Puppy

child and dog adopted at shelter

Socialization is the key to a happy friendly puppy

Your young dog has so much to experience and learn. Simply by allowing them to enjoy plenty of time around humans they learn that we are ok to be around. Introduce them to new humans every week. Puppies not exposed to use humans between 4 and 12 weeks are far more likely to grow up fearful, and aggressive. So create calm and happy situations for your young puppy, and watch them blossom. 

Planning your puppy’s socialization:

Expose them gently, gradually to every day noises. From radios to door bells, from vacuum sweepers to pots and pans. Praise their positive response, and ignore the negative. Puppy does not need to learn the acting fearful will get them affection! 

If your dog responds to a situation with a fearful response (such as tail tucked, hunching over, not wanting to move) then stop the event. There’s always another day to learn that the radio is not a monster. 

Congrats on the new puppy!  Yes, socialization is important. However – Let’s keep our babies safe. No parks, walks or contact with the ground outside your yard and your house until your puppy is fully vaccinated, that is in about 4 months. Puppy socialization will help you end up with a happier, better pet, which is good for everyone. 

Puppy classes are typically pelnty of fun for both parent and puppy. We recommend them. 

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